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What we've achieved so far

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All Projects (90)
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Projects Financed (90)
100% financed

Sponsor Jyoti in India

With your support we sponsor three-year-old Jyoti in a tiny village in Uttar Pradesh for one year. The sponsorship will help to establish education, health and sa...

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100% financed

Sponsor Sannchay in Cambodia

This project supports ten-year-old girl Sannchay with a sponsorship for one year. The sponsorship provides health education, an improved schooling system and the ...

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100% financed

Sponsor Olrich in Haiti

With this sponsorship for eight-year-old Olrich you will support the extension of civil protection in case of natural disasters, the equipment of schools and medi...

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100% financed

A sponsorship for Erik in Brazil

This project grants three-year-old Erik a sponsorship for one year. The sponsorship supports the communal development of the area by sustaining children's rights ...

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100% financed

Sponsor Dalia in Egypt

This project grants economic and social support to eight-year-old Dalia for one year. The sponsorship will contribute to a safe access to drinking water in Dalia'...

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100% financed

Protect Kamalari girls in Nepal

This project is aiming to free Kamalari girls from exploitative working conditions, to grant them access to education and a self-determined life.

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100% financed

Sponsor Maicol in Colombia

With this sponsorship you strengthen children's and women's rights in the Colombian region of Villanueva and contributes to the construction of sanitary facilitie

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100% financed

Support schools in Guinea-Bissau

This project strengthens community schools in the Bafatá area and improves the quality of the curriculum.

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100% financed

Place three tutors for Arab kids in Berlin

By supporting Schülerpaten Berlin, you contribute to the individual tutoring of three kids with migration background.

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100% financed

Protect refugees from Mali

By supporting this project you contribute to humanitarian help for refugees from Mali by the refugee agency of the UNHCR.

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100% financed

Fight the famine in East Africa

This project supports the erection of refugee camps, the distribution of relief supplies and medical care for starving refugees from Somalia.

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100% financed

Relief supplies for Sudanese refugees

With this project you can make a contribution to the founding of a new camp for Sudanese refugees and fuel the transport of relief supplies.

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100% financed

5000 neue Flyer für Kulturleben Berlin

This project funds the printing of 5000 new flyers for Kulturleben Berlin in order to spread information about their free program to fill empty seats at cultural

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100% financed

Fight poverty with animals

Pigs serve poor families as an important source of income. By supporting this project you help raising money to buy a piglet for a family in Myanmar. Two piglets

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100% financed

Fight poverty with animals

Beyond being very cute, goats are a valuable addition to a family. Goats can produce milk which in turn provides nutrition and protein. And a pair of breeding goa...

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100% financed

Sponsorship for baby orangutan Miko

With your support Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) undertakes a one year-long sponsorship for orangutan orphan Miko in one of BOS's rehabilitation wards. The spons...

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100% financed

School for the poor in Bangladesh

With your support, NETZ provides access to elementary education for five young girls in Bangladesh.

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100% financed

Help for Syrian refugees

The UN estimates that there are about 150,000 Syrian refugees in Jordan. With this project you help Syrian refugees in Jordan! With 120 € you support one family...

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100% financed

Education for Roma youngsters in Bosnia and Herzegovina

By supporting this project, you are making it possible for both Roma youngsters and children in Bijeljina (Bosnia and Herzegovina) to have an access to education ...

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100% financed

Hope Cape Town

This project supports HIV-positive babies who have developed drug resistance because they were breastfed by their mothers, who have to take anti-retroviral medica...

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100% financed

kindergarten Burkina Faso

With your support we give one child in Burkina Faso the opportunity to attend kindergarten for two years.

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100% financed

Place three tutors for Arab kids in Berlin

By supporting Schülerpaten Berlin, you contribute to the individual tutoring of three kids with migration background.

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100% financed

10 water filters Myanmar

By supporting this project you help 10 families in Myanmar to get access to clean water. For 100 € we'll buy 10 ceramic filters for 10 families in Myanmar. It's...

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100% financed

School for the poor in Bangladesh

By supporting this project you help to provide access to elementary education for five young girls in Bangladesh.

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100% financed

Education through social Streetwork

By supporting this project you enable Romani children in Skopje/Macedonia to take part in educational activities. We want to establish a dancing project for girls...

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100% financed

Give Haiti's slum children hope

By supporting this project you help giving street kids from Haiti's worst slums the possibility to visit the world outside of their misery. For many of them it is...

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100% financed

Public display and seminar space in Ghana

Since its establishment people and institutions from Ghana and around the world such as musicians, students, cultural centres, universities, journalists and peopl...

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100% financed

Help for Syrian refugees

The suffering that came with the Syrian war can not be put in words: four million Syriens are on the run in their own country, two million are seeking refuge in o...

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100% financed

Fight poverty with animals

Pigs serve poor families as an important source of income. By supporting this project you help raising money to buy piglets that help a family in Myanmar to start...

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100% financed

Skateistan Cambodia

Skateistan uses skateboarding as a tool for empowering youth, to create new opportunities and the potential for change.

Since Skateistan began i...

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100% financed

Emergency relief after Cyclone Haiyan

Drinking water, tents, blankets, food and medicines are the most important thing the affected people need now in order to survive. With 80 € we can provide one ...

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100% financed

Place three tutors for Arab kids in Berlin

By supporting Schülerpaten Berlin, you contribute to the individual tutoring of three kids with migration background.

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100% financed

Emergency aid after Cyclone Haiyan

We provide CARE packages containing tools and materials that allow 10 families to repair their own home. 

13.2 million people were affected by the stronge...

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100% financed

Medicine for Syrian Refugees

More than two million people fled Syria. Most of them have little more than the clothes they were wearing when they left their homes. With 600 € you can help p...

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100% financed

Insure Kids of Kovalam Surf Club

Kovalam Surf Club motivates kids from surrounding villages to get off the streets and into school by offering them free surf lessons but simultaneously strictly e...

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100% financed

Moabit hilft! helps 50 Kids to go the zoo

With your help Photocircle e.V. can make a day away from their emergency shelter possible and invite about 50 kids to spend a day in the Berlin zoo.

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100% financed

Waterfilters for Guatemala

This project gives 30 families in Guatemala access to clean water: for 1.000 € we'll buy 30 water filters.

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100% financed

Child education Burkina Faso

With your help we give 6 children in Burkina Faso the opportunity to attend kindergarten.

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100% financed

Education for girls in Bangladesh

Your purchase helps us send 10 girls in Bangladesh to school and provide them with a brighter future.

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100% financed

Winter Wonderland at the Refugee Shelter

With your support, Photocircle and Moabit hilft! will be able to host a winter festival for asylum seekers in Berlin Moabit. That way, we can turn their (in many ...

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100% financed

Education for a child from Khayelitsha township

With your help, Myoli e.V. grants a scholarship to a child from the township of Khayelitsha near (Cape Town) to ensure the child’s education for one year.

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100% financed

Mobility for Refugees

With your help, we will work towards greater mobility for refugees in Berlin through buying tickets for public transport and bicycles.

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100% financed

Winter Packages for Syrian refugees

€600 will buy much needed winter aid for 5 refugee families: a Winter CARE Package including a stove, fuel, blankets and winter clothing for a family of six cos

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100% financed

Winter emergency relief for Iraqi refugees

During the winter months, millions of refugees from Iraq and Syria need weather-proof tents, blankets, stoves, fuel and warm clothing. For many Syrian refugees, i...

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100% financed

Encourage creative energy - tear down social barriers

With your contribution to this project, you support the creation of a positive image of physically and/or mentally challenged people in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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100% financed

Support for girls in Zambia

With 800 Euro, the Girl's Club can organize a theatre workshop, held by the local initiative "Barefeet Theatre" - this will help the girls discover ways to expres...

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100% financed

New girls' school Bojasar

With €850 we are able to fund school education for 50 female 1st graders for an entire year!

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100% financed

Waterfilters for Guatemala

This project gives 40 families in Guatemala access to clean water: for 1.330 € we'll buy 40 water filters.

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100% financed

Student Lunch

The SZ project "Student Lunch" provides children in Munich and the region a free hot meal at school and in childcare facilities. Many pupils from low-income famil...

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100% financed

Education for Survivors of Human Trafficking

With €180 we can provide school supplies for survivors who are preparing to go back to school; with €360 we can support survivors by paying tuition to put the...

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100% financed

An Oxygen Concentrator for BPC

For €1,600, we can donate one oxygen concentrator to the Bairo Pite Clinic. It helps Tuberculosis patients breath in oxygen when their lungs are affected by th...

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100% financed

Satellite communication that saves lives

"Sea Watch" will function as a floating phone booth just off the Libyan coast, which will be used for maritime search and rescue. To report a boat in distress and...

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100% financed

Welcome United 03

We want to support the work of "Welcome United 03" with €1000 and thereby make sure that this important project can keep growing in the future.

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100% financed

Solar Bridge School

With your support, we can fund a solar bridge school in Rajasthan, India for a year. With this 30 children who work during the day will benefit from a basic educa...

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100% financed

Help for flood victims in Myanmar

With €500, we can help support the more than 1 million people affected by the severe floods and landslides in Myanmar.

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100% financed

School for orphans in Uganda

We want to build a school for orphans in Uganda. As the walls are going to be built from bricks, the top and bottom panel will be poured in reinforced concrete. T...

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100% financed

School Meals – a full stomach makes it easier to study

With € 1800 we can provide 50 students one year with school meals.

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100% financed

Make saving the forests economically viable

Kijani restores forests and empowers farmers in Kenya. With €500, you enable us to give ten farmers an acre of land each within a degraded forest area, and trai...

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100% financed

Student Lunch

The SZ project "Student Lunch" provides children in Munich and the region a free hot meal at school and in childcare facilities. Many pupils from low-income famil...

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100% financed

Saving lives on Greek waters

Since November, "Sea-Watch" has been using a speed boat in the area between the coast of Turkey and the Greek island of Lesbos in ordert o assist refugee boats in...

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100% financed

Communal buildings for Potosí province

This project aims to establish a basic social infrastructure for rural communities. The villagers of 5 communities do not have any room for their communal assembl...

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100% financed

A hero fighting against oppression

Being a ‘hero’ and fighting against oppression within the structures of patriarchal honour cultures requires courage: the courage to question one’s own cult...

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100% financed

Arriving at home: apprenticeships for refugees

Train refugees in Germany to become consultants and give them the opportunity to be financially independent with a secure and fair income.

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100% financed

Job Buddy Programme

With €400, we will shoot, edit and produce application photos for the job seekers on an ongoing basis, so that they can present themselves in a professional man...

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100% financed

Tutoring for children with a migration background

By supporting Schülerpaten Berlin, you help arrange for individual tutoring for children with a migration background.

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100% financed

Music for all children

With its project "Music for all children", the Adventskalender der guten Werke der Süddeutschen Zeitung supports children in Munich: many children have parents w...

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100% financed

Satellite communication that saves lives

Sea Watch functions as a floating phone booth just off the Libyan coast, which will be used for maritime search and rescue. To report a boat in distress and infor...

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100% financed

Help for Syria

Over the next two weeks, we want to collect as much money as possible for the great work of our partner organization CARE in Syria!

During that period, a...

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100% financed

Job Buddy Programme

With €800, we will shoot, edit and produce application photos for refugees so that they can present themselves in a professional manner in their cover letters....

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100% financed

Help for Syria

We want to support CARE in helping Syrians displaced by the war through humanitarian assistance on the ground.

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100% financed

Photography workshops for marginalised women in Moscow

EUR 800 will fund a photography project in Russia. The money goes towards hiring a trainer to deliver photography workshops (4 days à 8 hours) for 15 women in Mo...

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100% financed

Israeli-Palestinian Youth Running Teams

We want to support Runners Without Borders in connecting Israeli and Palestinian youth through common weekly running practice - because sports has the ability to ...

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100% financed

Waterfilters for Guatemala

This project gives 50 families in Guatemala access to clean water: for 1.700 € we'll buy 50 water filters.

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100% financed

Scholarships for Tibetan Refugees

EUR 1,000 will support three Tibetan refugees each with a one-year scholarship for further studies.

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100% financed

Aftercare for Survivors of Human Trafficking

With EUR 370 we can finance an eye exam for a survivor of human trafficking in North Carolina, USA. A further EUR 460 funds a field trip together with other survi...

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100% financed

Help for survivors of child abuse

The network "Stolen childhood" provides for a shelter as well as contact centre for children affected by human trafficking and their families. EUR 470 can guarant...

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100% financed

Giving the gift of life in Sierra Leone

With €2,500, we can provide 500 mothers-to-be with medical supervision while giving birth.

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100% financed

Student Lunch

The SZ project "Student Lunch" provides children in Munich and the region a free hot meal at school and in childcare facilities. Many pupils from low-income famil...

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100% financed

We are part of Culture!

From 2017-2019, the non-profit project 100% HUMAN shows an art exhibition on the significant contribution of LGBTTIQ* to the political development of Europe. The ...

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100% financed

Training for pharmacy employees in Uganda

With € 1000, we can fund a three-day training course for twelve pharmacy employees on the ground to teach them the correct use of medication.

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100% financed

Bee- and insect-friendly area

With the help of our Photocircle artists, we will create a bee- and insect-friendly herbal area in the 'Bienen Erlebnis Garten' in Frankfurt - Germany. The garden...

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100% financed

Protect endangered Harbor Porpoises

Sea Shepherd patrols the Baltic Sea to document illegal nets and report them to local authorities.

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100% financed

Arsenic-free drinking water

With €2,000, we can provide a sustainable wage for the workers of the local companies, as well as travel and subsistence for the students examining existing wel...

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100% financed

School for children in Uganda

With € 1,000 we can enable 20 children to go to school free of charge for one year. The children will receive school education / tuition, writing utensils, exam...

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100% financed

Youth @ Berlin Marathon

We support Runners Without Borders in connecting Israeli and Palestinian youth through common weekly running practice - because sports has the ability to connect ...

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100% financed

Water filters for Guatemala

This project gives 50 families in Guatemala access to clean water: for 1.700 € we'll buy 50 water filters.

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100% financed

Meals for malnourished children

With Euro 1,000 we can feed over 50 malnourished children in Nairobi for a month.

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100% financed

Get-home-safely Pots

A get-home-safely pot of money for people at risk on public transport to take a taxi, uber, or equivalent from events. EUR 800 would enable TFI to establish and p...

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100% financed

Combatting Climate Change Through Afforestation

In 2020 we started our afforestation project in Ethiopia, hoping to plant a total of 600,000 trees by the end of 2024. Within only five years, these trees will ab...

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100% financed

Reforest Nepal

We want to help create livelihoods for people living in extreme poverty in Nepal by empowering them to restore and protect forests on a massive scale.

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How our project support works

Project support from photos purchased in our gallery

Our photographers support our projects with at least 30% of their revenue. However, many of our artists donate a higher percentage, even up to 100%. In addition, Photocircle also supports each project with 6% of the net sales price. Because of this, project support can vary between 10% and 50% of the total sales price.

Project support when printing customs photos

When you print your custom photos at our photo lab, Photocircle will support the social project you have selected with 6% of the net sales price. For us, it is important you know the donation is deducted from our revenue and not put on top of the price. This is because we are committed to doing good while still offering you premium quality products at fair prices.

Read our transparency principles

Partner Organizations

Once one of our projects is 100% financed we transfer the whole amount to our project partners.


The refugee agency is the German fundraising partner of UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees). Since 1980 the organization has been supporting refugee projects all over the world.

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Schülerpaten Berlin

Schülerpaten Berlin e.V. helps students with a migration background through individual tutoring and cultural exchange .

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Plan International

Plan is one of the largest children's development organisations in the world working in almost 38,000 communities, reaching over 28 Million children in over 50 developing countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America.

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Kulturleben Berlin

Kulturleben Berlin offers people with low income free access to cultural programs and the social life of Berlin.

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CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty and providing lifesaving assistance in emergencies. CARE began working in 1945 in the wake of the terrible destruction wrought by World War II.

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BOS Foundation

The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOS) is an Indonesian and non-governmental organization that is committed to the conservation of the last remaining orangutans and their living environment.

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Since 1989 NETZ supports people in Bangladesh, who are particularly in need.

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Students Help to Live

In 1992, high school students collected and transported aid packages with private cars to the refugee camps in the Balkans. They called their initiative: Students Help to Live (SHL). Today, SHL is Germany's largest youth-led humanitarian organization currently supporting 15 projects in Southeast Europe.

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Deutsche AIDS-Stiftung

Since 1987 the AIDS Foundation strives to improve the quality of life of people with HIV and AIDS. It funds aid projects for AIDS sufferers in Germany and throughout the world. It fights against prejudice, for acceptance and an improved social climate for people with HIV/AIDS.


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Dreamworks Network

The organization is a charitable and non-profit-making organization, is a small but commited circle of people who ensure well-directed humanitarian aid.

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LESPWA is providing street children from Haiti's capital Port Au Prince's poorest slum with medical care, education and - most important - gives them a positive outlook for their future. 

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BAPMAF, a NGO in Ghana, seeks to study and fund Ghanaian Music. To prevent the "classical" styles of this genre they document and research the music.

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Skateistan is using Skateboarding as a tool to empower young people in Cambodia and Afghanistan giving them the possibility to create change in their communities. 

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Kovalam Surf Club

Kovalam Surf Club is part of an NGO called "Sebastian Indian Social Projects" in southern India and encourages local children and youth to get off the streets, into school and on a surf board in their free time. 

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Moabit helps!

'Moabit helps!' is a local initiative in Berlin that helps refugees to get the necessities they need for their new life. 

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Vamos Adelante Foundation

The Vamos Adelante Project provides education, health and nutritionservices to the poor in more than 24 villages in the region of Esquintla,Guatemala (located halfway between the country's capitol city and the Pacific Coast).

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Myoli e.V.

Myoli e.V. wants to give children from the South African township of Khayelitsha prospects they would never have otherwise. They are born into a world of poverty, crime, unemployment, and lack of perspective. They did not choose to live in this world, but they must bear the consequences - and Myoli e.V. wants to help them do that.

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Barefoot College

The Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, is an non-governmental organization providing basic services and solutions to problems in rural areas.

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Project Luangwa

Project Luangwa is a charitable organisation working in south Luangwa, a rural area of Zambia. Their aim is to create an effective, coordinated approach to helping local communities improve their long term economic prospects whilst avoiding a negative impact on the environment and wildlife. By developing and improving education in schools and creating training opportunities, they provide families with the possibility of a lasting and sustainable income.

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The Afghan Women's Association

The Afghan Women's Association systematically supports Afghan women and children in the areas of school education, vocational training & trades, construction of clean drinking water wells, healthcare / health education, emergency relief and family sponsorships.

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Caritas International

Caritas international, the International Department of Caritas Germany, provides emergency and disaster relief throughout the world and sponsors social projects for children, the elderly, the ill and people with disabilities.

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SZ Advent Calendar for Good Deeds

The SZ Advent Calendar donates money to people in need from Munich and the surrounding region.

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A21 is a global anti-human trafficking organization dedicated to fighting slavery with the mission of abolishing injustice in the 21st century. A21 exists because of a problem, and the problem is this: The U.S. Department of State’s conservative estimate is that there are currently more than 27 million men, women and children in bondage around the world today – that’s more than ever before in history.

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Bairo Pite Clinic

The Bairo Pite Clinic (BPC) is located in the capital of Dili in East Timor, Timor-Leste (Australia’s second closest neighbour). BPC is the largest non-government provider of comprehensive healthcare services in Timor-Leste, and its mission to improve the health of the East Timorese people by providing free healthcare services.

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Sea Watch

Action for rescueing refugees in danger on the Mediterranean and legal means for them to enter Europe. That's what "Sea-Watch" is all about: Saving lives - every person rescued by "Sea-Watch" is a sign of compassion and humanity; raising public awareness through reports, audio and video material; attracting imitators. Becauce together, we are stronger.

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Orphans Startup Camp Kyrgyzstan

Growing up without parents is a challenge most of us cannot imagine. The unconditional support of one’s own family is absolutely unique and gives children and adolescents the strength they need in order to grow. One way of opening up new and promising perspectives to them is entrepreneurship - the Orphan Start Up Camp lets adolescent orphans become entrepreneurs!

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Blauweissbunt Nulldrei

The two cornerstones of the SV Babelsberg 03 – football and subculture – are dominant for the club's self conception. As opposed to the at times rather xenophobic and anti-immigrant fan culture in Germany, the antiracist movement amongst supporters of SV Babelsberg 03 grew considerably over the years: ever since refugees started arriving in Potsdam, supporters of SV Babelsberg have been closely in touch with them.

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German Red Cross

The GRC works either in direct bilateral cooperation with Sister National Societies or it supports operations of the ICRC and of the International Federation. In particular, as a member of the IFRC, the GRC actively participates in developing and implementing quality standards in the field of humanitarian assistance, development cooperation and strengthening resilience.


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Visions for Children

As a charitable organisation from Hamburg, we have made it our purpose, to advocate for childrens' right to education - so they have a chance at an autonomous and promising life. Our focus emphasises the facilitation of school education in areas, where war, armed violence or natural disasters have destroyed educational facilities. We support reconstructioning, extend school buildings, renovate the sanitary installations and stock the schools with teaching materials. Every school is carefully selected and being supported purposefully.

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German Doctors

German Doctors e.V. is a an internationally active NGO, which sends doctors from Germany to volunteer in projects on the Philippines, in India, Bangladesh, Kenya and Sierra Leone.

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Kijani rehabilitates indigenous forests by empowering young Kenyans through training in agroforestry and cultivation of non-timber forest products.

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HEROES is a project for equality, in which young men from so-called "honor cultures" advocate against oppression in the name of honor, and for equal rights and equality between women and men.

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Sharehaus Refugio

The Refugio is a project by the Berlin City Mission and Sharehaus. At Sharehaus Refugio Berlin we have been working and living together since July 2015 - on 5 floors, in a beautiful, 100-years-old house. We come from Syria, Somalia, England, Germany, Sweden, Afghanistan, Palestine, Turkey, Croatia and Bosnia; people who have lost their homes, were forced to leave, or are in search of a new life and new communities.

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Über den Tellerrand kochen

In 2014 the non-profit organisation Über den Tellerrand e.V. based in Berlin was founded to promote integration of refugees into a welcoming society. Focusing on the encounter of refugees and locals on eye level, there are now Tellerrand communities in Berlin and other German cities as well.

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Lensational is a non-profit social enterprise with the mission of equipping women in the developing world with digital cameras and photography training. Through photography and storytelling, these women now have a voice, a source of income, and a base of strength.

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Runners Without Borders

The Jerusalem-based organization Runners Without Borders is a non-profit, non-partisan organization devoted to creating a genuine dialogue between Jews and Arabs via joint running teams for Arab and Jewish youth and adults in Jerusalem. Participants train together, participate in numerous races in Jerusalem and even abroad, and socialize together throughout the year.

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Tibet Charity Denmark

The mission of Tibet Charity Denmark and its partners is to assist poor Tibetan refugees in improving their living conditions through education, health and social services.

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100% HUMAN

The 100% HUMAN project promotes and demands full legal and social equality and acceptance of sexual orientation as well as gender equality (LGBTTIQ). This goal is pursued through the recording and performance of charity songs, the organization of cultural events, the publication of texts as well as active educational and public relations work.


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Deseret Foundation

Deseret Foundation e.V. is a non-profit association based in Leipzig. The association supports poor children and old people in a village in Jinga District, Uganda.

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Pharmaciens sans Frontières Germany

Pharmaciens sans Frontières Germany (PSF Germany) is a German relief and development agency supporting people in need worldwide, with a specific focus on providing pharmaceutical and medical aid. PSF Germany engages in disaster relief in the aftermath of natural or man-made disasters and provides long-term development assistance in order to strengthen sustainable health services and structures.

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Bienenretter - the bee savers

What started as a non-for-profit educational project on sustainibility for children in 2011, adolescents and adults by FINE e.V., the Frankfurt Institute for Sustainable Development e.V., has expanded a lot by now. The world of the bees makes sustainability tangible and easier to understand. Environmental protection, social responsibility and economic activity are interdependent.

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Sea Shepherd

It is Sea Shepherd's mission to protect defenseless marine wildlife and end the destruction of habitat in the world’s oceans. Since 1977, Sea Shepherd has used innovative direct action tactics to defend, conserve and protect the delicately-balanced biodiversity of our seas and enforce international conservation laws. From the gentle giants of the sea to its smallest creatures, Sea Shepherd’s mission is to protect all marine life species living in our oceans.

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The non-profit organization MADE IN BANGLADESH e.V. was founded in the summer of 2015 and is dedicated to the promotion of cooperative development work in Bangladesh. It means that, according to the statutes of our club, they actively provide supportive measures in the areas of basic medicinal needs, education and humanitarian aid in Bangladesh. Put more simply: they want to make a life in dignity possible for more people, supporting them with the necessities we take for granted in our part of the world.

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Trans Feminism International

Trans Feminism International (TFI) is a grassroots and community-driven organisation established in 2019 to support and empower trans women and trans-feminine people to change their own lives and to resist the violence, discrimination, marginalisation and precarity we often face. We recognise the unique set of oppressions experienced by our community to create and support movements, projects and alliances that meet our needs.


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Green Ethiopia

The Swiss charitable foundation, ‘Green Ethiopia’, is working in Ethiopia on afforestation projects in order to help combat erosion and desertification. The foundation finances tree nurseries which plant tree seedlings. They also support water harvesting projects and projects which improve the livelihood of the people living in the project areas.

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Eden Reforestation Projects

In order to mitigate climate change and protect ecosystems, while simultaneously alleviating poverty through the creation of jobs for locals, EDEN REFORESTATION PROJECTS work with local communities to restore forests on a massive scale.


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Tree Amount
Since 2021 we've already been able to plant 352.454 trees thanks to the wall art sold on Photocircle. They will absorb approximately 28.196.320 kg CO₂ within the next five years and improve the living conditions of the people locally.